About the Author
Ashavan Doyon spends his days working at the publications and communications office at a liberal arts college. During lunch, evenings, and when he can escape the grasp of his husband on weekends, he writes, pounding out words day after day in hopes that his ancient typewriter-trained fingers won’t destroy his computer. Ashavan is an avid science fiction and fantasy fan and prefers to write while listening to music that fits the mood of his current story. He has no children, having opted instead for the companionship of puppies. While he misses his cherished pugs, his current companion is a lovable beagle puppy, who reminds him every day that there are huge differences in caring for elder pugs and energetic beagle pups. A young pug puppy, a new addition during the pandemic, rounds out the menagerie. A Texan by birth, he currently lives in New England, and frequently complains of the weather.
Ashavan went to school at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, getting his degree in Russian and East European Studies, with a focus in language and literature. He has two incomplete manuscripts from college that he goes back compulsively to fiddle with every so often, but is still not happy with either of them. He still loves fantasy and science fiction and reads constantly in the moments between writing stories. Ashavan loves to hear from readers and can be reached at [email protected] |